Configure SQL Server for Enhanced Capacity

The procedure described in this section should be performed if an external SQL server is used in the customer deployment for enhanced capacity requirements (see Memory and Disk Space Calculations).

After installing the UMP-LCT, by default , the local SQL server is used when creating new customers.

To configure an external SQL server:
1. After installation of the local SQL server, use SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the .\SQLSYSADMIN database engine on the 1st server (where the installation commenced, see) and navigate to the [dbo].[ApplicationSetting] table in the SysAdminTenant database.
2. Modify the SysAdminConnectionString attribute (by right-clicking and selecting “Edit Top 200 Rows”) and set the value to the following:
Server=\SQLSYSADMIN;initial catalog=SysAdminTenant;integrated security=true;

Where is example IP address for the SQL backend server used for the installation of the customer / tenant databases.

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In this release, there is no automatic configuration of this attribute. Once the attribute is populated with a value, this server is used for the installation of the backend tenant database. Once the SQL backend server reaches its maximum capacity, the value should be manually changed to point to the next designated external SQL server in the list for future tenant installations.
Windows integrated security is used to communicate to the remote SQL server, so the service account used needs to be either a domain account, or both machines must use the same username and password.